Special Olympics
The State Special Olympics Chairman is Brandon Hendricks.
The Special Olympics were started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
- Wife of Sargent Shriver
- Sister of President John F. Kennedy
- Both were Knights of Columbus.
- Her sister Rosemary had an intellectual disability, and there were limited programs for people like her sister. She wanted people with intellectual disabilities to have the same opportunity in life as everyone else.
- The first International Special Olympics were held in Chicago in 1968.
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver's Story
- Special Olympics History
General Information
- There are 51 local Special Olympics programs in Louisiana. Councils are asked to donate to either their local Special Olympics programs and to volunteer at events.
- Councils can also donate to Special Olympics Louisiana and volunteer at state events. The Special Olympics Louisiana website has a donate page and a calendar of events.
- The State Summer Games take place in May at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond.
- Special Olympics Louisiana is divided into 9 areas, similar to the 7 diocese the state council is divided into.
- Councils also need to report their activity to the Supreme Council by January 31 using Fraternal Program Report Form 10784.
- Any brother knight can complete this form.
- A council's donation can also be counted as a contribution for Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
- The Supreme Council donates money to State Special Olympics Programs based on the activity of these forms.
- If a council donates $2000 or volunteers 200 hours, it qualifies for a featured program (counts for two programs for the Columbian Award).
- In 2021 - 2022:
- The Order donated donated $3.7 million and volunteered 418,000 hours. (KnightLine, 8/29/2022 "Special Olympics Superfans)
- Louisiana donated $13,532 and volunteered 3119 hours, #5 in the Order. (Supreme Director Rennan Duffour, 4/30/2022 Louisiana State Convention)
Presentation 2023
Supreme Council Information on Special Olympics
Fraternal Program Report Form 10784 Due. Jan. 31
Map of Special Olympics Louisiana Programs Updated Dec. 2021
Special Olympics Louisiana
Special Olympics